Upper Class Roman Collection #1

Vendi Jukić Buča’s master collection. Photographed in gallery Galerija Klovićevi Dvori in Zagreb with the statue of the Empress Livia.

A Closer Look

Portrait T-Shirts


Archaeological sources

ArchaeoROBE costumes are made according to archaeological and history sources and evidence

[Picture taken in Archaeological museum Narona]

Innovative solutions

We are using innovative sewing solutions to achieve preferable design and appearance

Individual approach

All costumes are made according to Customers desires and in dialogue with the Customer

Key elements

Authenticity, functionality, convenience of wearing and ease of maintaining the costumes

Turism, Museum, Theater, Movies, Private use

ArchaeoROBE costumes are to be used in Museums, Touristic manifestations, Theater or Movies costume design as well as for private use

Additional projects

ArchaeoROBE T-shirts, gift and promotion materials such as cups, postcards, bags etc. for specific occasions, manifestations and promotions

We believe that the Roman costumes made under the the ARCHAEOROBE brand are historically accurate and of the highest quality. The collection is a result of scientific research and professional design. It represents an exceptional achievement in this type of presentation of cultural heritage.

Bernarda Županek

Curator for the Antiquity , City Museum Ljubljana

Vendi Jukić Buča je kot arheologinja in modna oblikovalka/kostumografinja sposobna ustvarjati verodostojne kreativne rekonstrukcije oblačil rimskega časa. Oblačila so primerna za nastopajoče na turističnih, kulturnih prireditvah in festivalih, za gledališke in filmske predstave, za animatorje v muzejih in vodnike po arheoloških najdiščih iz obdobja rimskega imperija, ki danes predstavljajo dragocene kulturne vsebine Slovenije ter širših evropskih in svetovnih področij.

Na podlagi vseh navedenih znanj, mag. Vendi Jukić Buča toplo priporočam kot sodelavko pri projektih vezanih na prezentacijo in interpretacijo historičnih oblačil.

Karin Košak

red. prof. , NFT - Oblikovanje tekstilij in oblačil



ArchaeoROBE additional clothing

YOU in roman clothing

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