About The Team

Vendi Jukić Buča

PhD in Archaeology | MSc in Textile and Fashion Design Author, Photographer, Designer Vendi.hr | vendi[@]vendi.hr

We can best experience the past when we are robed in it. Najbolje možemo osjetiti prošlost kad smo u njezinom ruhu. Vendi Jukić Buča

Kristina Dragčević Gwirtzman

MSc in Archaeology | MSc in Management Model  

Vendi – extremely talented, meticulous fashion designer and knowledgeable archaeologist with a great sense for details – this rare combination of professions results in trustworthy and reliable replicas of ancient clothing. Vendi – izuzetno talentirana, temeljita i pedantna dizajnerica te arheologinja s puno znanja i velikim smislom za detalje. Upravo ova rijetka kombinacija dviju profesija rezultira iznimno pouzdanim i vjerodostojnim replikama antičke odjeće. Kristina Dragčević Gwirtzman

Associates Ada Jukić MSc in Economy Supporter, Proofreader

Berislav Buča

PhD in Physics Webmaster, Model, Translator (English), Supporter

Pavla Peterle Udovič

MSc in Archaeology PR, Coordinator, Translator (Slovenian)

Vendi’s work consitutes an important achievement in experimental archaeology. She interprets Roman dress culture through an interdisciplinary link between two fields – archaeology and fashion/costume design. The result is authentic Roman clothing, which thus reproduced brings an aspect of life in Roman times closer to us. Vendi Jukic Buča, an archaeologist and innovative fashion and costume designer has managed, by combining these two professions, to clearly present how the Roman upper class looked like. Her richly detailed and authentic costumes arouse the interest and admiration of many. Vendijino delo je pomemben del eksperimentalne arheologije. Rimsko oblačilno kulturo interpretira prek interdisciplinarne povezave dveh strok – arheologije in modnega oblikovanja/kostumografije. Rezultat so verodostojna rimska oblačila, ki poustvarjajo in nam tako približujejo enega od vidikov življenja v rimskem času. Vendi Jukić Buča, arheologinji in inovativni modni oblikovalki/kostumografinji, je uspelo s povezovanjem dveh strok nazorno prikazati zunanjo podobo rimskih državljanov višjega sloja. Njeni verodostojni kostumi z bogatimi detajli vzbujajo zanimanje in občudovanje številnih.

Vendin rad važan je dio eksperimentalne arheologije. Rimsku odijevnu kulturu interpretira preko interdisciplinarne poveznice dvije struke – arheologije i modnog dizajna/kostimografije. Rezultat je vjerodostojna rimska odjeća, koja nam na taj  način reproducirana približava jedan od vidika života u rimskom razdoblju.
Vendi Jukić Buča, arheologinji i inovativnoj modnoj dizajnerici/kostimografkinji uspjelo je povezivanjem dvije struke jasno prikazati vanjski izgled rimskih državljana višeg sloja. Njezini vjerodostojni kostimi s bogatim detaljima pobuđuju zanimanje i divljenje mnogih.
Pavla Peterle Udović

Roman Clothing

Roman society was open to all different kinds of foreign influence – from religion to fashion. They mostly adopted customs from Greek, Etruscan culture and from the native peoples whose lands they conquered. For this reason (and for practical reasons of functionality) through the years the Romans developed numerous different types of clothing.


The goal was the attain an authentic style for Roman clothing, as displayed on statues and frescoes and as described in historical sources, while retaining costume design functions and certain important properties.

Advanced Technology

Costumes were made in different ways and from different fabrics using modern sewing techniques. Many types of clothing of the higher class of Roman citizenry were made in order to show their different variations and the effects displayed by the different fabrics themselves as well as those coming from their combinations.

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